An employee of renowned singer Kaushiki Chakraborty, who has been associated with the ace singer’s music academy for years, has been apprehended on charges of fraud. The employee, identified as Akash Bhandari, hailing from Diamond Harbour, was arrested for allegedly duping Chakraborty of a substantial sum of Rs 2 lakh. The deceitful act involved siphoning the fees that were paid by the singer’s students for music lessons.
Following the arrest, Akash Bhandari was presented before the Alipore Court on July 22, where he faced legal proceedings. The court, after careful consideration, decided to remand him to police custody until July 27, providing the authorities ample time to investigate the matter thoroughly.
Before the discovery of this financial fraud, Kaushiki Chakraborty had noticed a sudden and unexpected decline in the income of her esteemed music school. Puzzled by the situation, she decided to delve deeper into the matter, determined to find the root cause of this unfortunate downturn. She later discovered that the accused, Akash Bhandari, had orchestrated the scheme by instructing Chakraborty’s students to deposit their tuition fees into an alternate bank account. This cleverly orchestrated move diverted the funds away from the legitimate source, causing significant financial losses to the classical singer and her music academy.
The incident left Kaushiki Chakraborty in shock because the betrayal came from one of her own trusted employees. As the legal process unfolds, the acclaimed singer now hopes that justice will be served, and the truth will prevail.